Meet the Dasos Aquatic Erimos Pyronic Voltaic Clan

The Dasos Clan stands as the foundation of civilization in Zagreus. Their size and strength make them a force to be reckoned with, and they have worked tirelessly to create a better future for all.

The Aquatic Clan is a powerful and dangerous clan that rules the depths of the seas. They are known for their arrogance and strength, and anyone who crosses their path must be prepared to fight.

The Erimos Clan is a clan of survivors, founded out of intense longing and loneliness. They are a fiercely independent people who have learned to thrive in the most inhospitable climates.

The Pyronic Clan is a fierce and passionate group of individuals who thrive on destruction and chaos. They are spread throughout the land of Zagreus and are usually found causing havoc wherever they go.

The Voltaic Clan is a powerful and feared clan in Zagreus, known for their extreme views and brutal methods. They believe in a strict hierarchy, with only the strongest being fit to lead.
Elders Mode
This is the main mode for Elders of Ki. You will be put up against an opponent. The main objective is to beat the other players cards and add them to your “fame pile”. Depending on the size of your deck, you will play to win with 3, 5, 10, 15, or your full deck (ezrus wrath) in your fame pile!
You can play a 3 lane battle. This is recommended for smaller decks, beginners, or someone who wants a faster-paced game.
Or you can play a 5 lane battle. This is recommended for bigger decks, experienced players, or someone who wants more strategy.
Timed Mode
This mode plays the same way as Elders (except the discard phase). The only difference is that in each phase the player has 30 seconds to play. If you do not play within 30 seconds, then the player will be moved to the next phase. The game ends based on the size of the deck for “fame” points (3, 5, 10, 15). As soon as the “fame” points are reached, the game ends. .
Ezrus Wrath
In this game mode, the goal is total conquest. If a player runs out of cards on their turn, then at the beginning of their next turn, the game ends. Whoever scores the most “fame” wins this match. All rules from Elders apply (except the discard phase). This mode can only be played in 5 lane setup.