Thank you for purchasing Elders of Ki Trading Card Game! 
We hope you enjoy this game that we have been developing and look forward to hearing feedback from you, the gamer. 
Please review the “How to Play” Section below and start playing head to head battles with friends!
We have created a dice roller and health tracker for all users to take advantage of!
please feel free to read FAQs at the bottom of the page (this will be updated periodically as we receive more feedback). 

Dice Roller

Dice Roller

Roll result: 1

Health Tracker

Multiple Counters

Card 1:


Card 2:


Card 3:


Card 4:


Card 5:


Strong Against:

Weak Against:


Strong Against:

Weak Against:


Strong Against:

Weak Against:


Strong Against:

Weak Against:


Strong Against:

Weak Against:



With many different modes, styles, and cards, it is easy to get a little overwhelmed. Thankfully the base of how the game functions is the same for all gameplay!

The goal for each player is to eliminate the opponent’s cards and “collect” them into their “fame” pile. If an enemy card is defeated, it is placed in the “fame” pile next to the one who defeated the card. This pile is the points pile for that match. Depending on the rules of the gameplay, the winner is declared when 3, 5, 10, 15, or the entire deck is scored in the “fame” pile. Depending on the smaller deck being played, that will determine the points to win. Please see the chart below:

Game Play Types

3 Lane Battle

First is 3 lane battle. This is recommended for smaller decks, beginners, or someone who wants a faster-paced game. See the Graphic below for setup.

5 Lane Battle

The second is 5 lane battle. This is recommended for bigger decks, experienced players, or someone who wants more strategy. See the Graphic below for setup.

Game Modes

Elders Mode (Recommended)


Each player draws 5 cards into their hand from their respective ally Draw Pile. Your hand is private so do not show the opponent your cards. The player with the largest deck goes first. (If the same, the one wearing the most blue and gold items).
Turns are simple, they are broken up into phases to make it quick and easy gameplay.

The game ends when the “fame” points are reached based on deck size (See Intro above).

Turn Actions

On a turn, one player goes through all the phases. Pay attention to limits within each phase.

Bring To Life (Required)
Bring to Life is simply putting a character down in an empty ally lane sideways(unless the card specifies it can attack this turn). During this phase, you can only play one card. Characters brought to life cannot attack until the next turn. You always have to bring a character to life. You can only skip this IF there are no more slots open.

Cards brought to life on your previous turn can now attack the opposing lane. If your attack has clan variable (#), then check which clan you are fighting. If you are attacking a clan you are strong against, then the clan variable (#) becomes added to your attack strength.

Health can be kept track of with a simple counter app (top of this page) or with anything else you find easy to use. Once a card hits 0 health, it is added to the fame pile of the person who defeated it.

During this action, the Enemy card may have a clan variable (#) on its health. If your Ally cards clan is weak against the Enemy cards clan, then their clan variable (#) is added health to their stat.

A player may discard any number of cards from their hand. Do not draw cards until you are done with this phase.

Ending Your Turn
Once all phases are done, the player draws from their ally draw pile until they have 5 cards. If the player cannot draw another card due to the pile running out, they shuffle their discard pile and place that on their ally draw pile. Finish drawing cards up to 5. Any of your sideways cards can be turned upright.

A player may not have any cards left to draw, this means the player has to play with what is left in their hand.

Ezrus Wrath Mode


In this game mode, the goal is total conquest. If a player runs out of cards on their turn(draw pile and discard pile), then at the beginning of their next turn, the game ends. Whoever scores the most “fame” wins this match. All rules from Elders apply (except the discard phase). This mode can only be played in 5 lane setup.

Turn Actions

On a turn, one player goes through all the phases. Pay attention to limits within each phase.

Bring To Life (Required)
Bring to Life is simply putting a character down in an empty ally lane sideways(unless the card specifies it can attack this turn). During this phase, you can only play one card. Characters brought to life cannot attack until the next turn. You always have to bring a character to life. You can only skip this IF there are no more slots open.

Cards brought to life on your previous turn can now attack the opposing lane. If your attack has clan variable (#), then check which clan you are fighting. If you are attacking a clan you are strong against, then the clan variable (#) becomes added to your attack strength.

Health can be kept track of with a simple counter app (top of this page) or with D20 dice. Once a card hits 0 health, it is added to the fame pile of the person who defeated it.

During this action, the Enemy card may have a clan variable (#) on its health. If your Ally cards clan is weak against the Enemy cards clan, then their clan variable (#) is added health to their stat.

A player may discard up to 2 cards from their hand. Do not draw cards until you are done with this phase.

Ending Your Turn
Once all phases are done, the player draws from their ally draw pile until they have 5 cards. If the player cannot draw another card due to the pile running out, they shuffle their discard pile and place that on their ally draw pile. Finish drawing cards up to 5. Any of your sideways cards can be turned upright.

A player may not have any cards left to draw, this means the player has to play with what is left in their hand.